

Alameda County is a diverse land of nearly two million people who hail from every continent and of every racial background. The county includes the treasures of the University of California at Berkeley and the City of Oakland.

At its heart it is the personification of Afro-American victory over white bigotry and hate, the City of Oakland.

Oakland is named for its namesake, the mighty oak. It is here in this magical flatland that great oaks and redwood trees were harvested to build the great city of San Francisco.

Yes, there are issues within the city and it is ranked as more dangerous (27th ) than even Newark, New Jersey (85th ) or New Orleans, Louisiana (59th ).

Most of the problems are due to simple racism and hate. With the whites living in San Francisco, and up and down the distant 101 freeway, Oakland has been abandoned.

With the implementation of The California Sanctuary, the peoples of Oakland will be free to travel across the vast socio-economic barriers now before them.

At present, the citizens of Oakland are blamed for what is really just white violence on the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART).

This racism and hate must stop. The simplest way to stop the criminal element is to ban the police from entering the stations and cars. By making the BART system a true Safe Space, all will be secure and safe.

And you can see that it is the whites who are the attackers and the BART management refuse to release the videos because the videos would show whites pummeling passengers

The Sanctuary Safety net must be enforced! Mr. Trump is blaming innocent immigrants from El Salvador for much of America’s woes.

This is an outrage and what’s worse; he calls these poor immigrants ANIMALS!

As with other diverse locales across this wide, wide world, some are rising up to fight!

Here we have the youth of South Africa fighting the “Boer” which is their name for the white oppressors.

Of course, the Afro-Americans in Oakland have much to worry about as seen in this one of thousands of similar videos.

Santa Rita Jail

Alameda is also home to the Santa Rita Jail. Santa Rita Jail serves the entire Sanctuary Zone and is larger than the largest PRISON in all of Europe. It can be closed so all the victims of racism can join us in the SANCTUARY.

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