The Sanctuary blog

Modern-day civil rights

December 2020

A world where transformative and restorative practices replace punishment is within reach.

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12 Steps of Recovery from White Conditioning

November 2020

Admit, confess, commit. Repeat.

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Earth days

October 2020

In the Sanctuary, we care about the environment as much as we care about each other.

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Wildfire prevention

September 2020

Every year, wildfires destroy the tranquility of the Sanctuary Zone. Collectively, we can turn back the clock and put a stop to them.

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August 2020

From the soapbox to the ballot box … protecting our democracy.

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COVID-19 measures

July 2020

Face masks can protect us in more ways than one.

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Guarding the Sanctuary

June 2020

Driving the Pigs from our Sanctuary gives us the freedom to protect us with people who really care.

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Felons Should Vote

May 2020

It is our right and duty living in America — citizen, Undocumented Citizen, or detainee — to vote.

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Soy Is The Answer

April 2020

Soy is the future. It requires the least water and yet can be grown to provide everything from protein to milk for our children.

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Soon, the world!

March 2020

France can be our model for building a stable and diverse Sanctuary.

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Vaping for productivity

February 2020

We must increase the productivity of the Sanctuary to become the powerhouse we can be. Vaping is a path to increased productivity in so many novel ways.

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Sustainability from the sea

January 2020

Indigenous Americans can support their traditions and add a novel protein source to our diets.

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