End toxic masculinity

It’s time we rid this world of toxic masculinity. Males, especially white males, walk around with an egotistical strut. To make a better world, to bring world peace, to stop white racism, we need to erase not just toxic masculinity but all white masculinity from the entire earth. Incorporating soy-based food products in everyone’s diet will certainly help in this regard, but it doesn’t go far enough.

To accomplish our goal we need to crush the concept of male and female and the most elemental concept there is that one has a “stick” and the other has a “hole.”

We’ve built this concept into our entire society; we even have male and female electrical connectors. This is all changing very quickly. Today, the male can have a hole and the female can have a stick.

Thanks to the entertainment media, America has come alive with a new and adventurous hobby. It’s the creation of Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson on their Hipster-Hit TV series Broad City. This Viacom distributed comedy series shows Hipsters of America the diversity they always wanted and features it all in 50 fun-filled TV shows. The distributor, Viacom, is controlled by National Amusements, Inc. which is owned by Sumner Murray Rothstein.

Many would say that Broad City echoes much of what was the spirit of Berlin of the 1920s but then brought to life in the New York City of the 2000s and beyond.

Glazer and Jacobson’s endorsement of Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) for congress proved their concern for diversity, the downtrodden and Climate Change.

Channeling Lenny Bruce, who died of a drug accident, Glazer and Jacobson bring true diversity of all sorts to the small screen.

Advocate for diversity and forcing America out of its white Anglo rules and morals, Lenny Bruce was a trend setter.

Broad City certainly is the model for the Sanctuary’s future television programming lineup. Broad City shows the expanse of human interplay and sexuality. Moving the venue from New York to San Francisco would bring some real diversity to American television. Whatever is going on in New York today, or was going on in 1920’s Berlin in dark basements or anywhere else, is all out on display and performed, even celebrated, on the streets and sidewalks of San Francisco today, and all in broad daylight.

Broad City titillates the senses with its allusions to rubber enhanced sexual pleasures. The viewer is intrigued by the public discussion of certain hobbies all laid out for the residents of the actor’s condo. It all encourages millions of viewers to “strap it on” and do your male partner hard and is a breakthrough in televised diversity:

The 20th Century Fox 2016 Superhero movie Deadpool celebrated the excitement of “pegging” and helped millions of movie goers rush to Amazon.com and gaze at the myriad selections.

20th Century Fox is owned by Disney Studios, which is run by Bob Iger, and getting little boys ready for their new role in adulthood and in life is Disney’s new role.

Wikipedia says it all:


Cosmo Spreads … the Word

If there is one magazine dedicated to the modern woman it is Cosmopolitan. The magazine is controlled by Hearst Publishing which is run by Steve Swartz. The magazine’s Editor-In-Chief is Jessica Pels.

Pegging has made it to the main stream and has even been featured and advocated in Cosmopolitan magazine:


One wonders if the color of the suggested rubber gloves adds to the stimulation and excitement.


Many people are finally pushing to rid this earth of white masculinity.

Hadley Freeman says it all in her recent article in the Guardian.


She might be fourteen but the lime green dildo does celebrate Mother Earth and Sustainablility. It’s all just part of today’s Hipster lifestyle.

The manly magazine Men’s Health recently featured this fun activity for all to enjoy and displayed in full color. The magazine was started by Mark Bricklin more than 30 years ago and is the most popular Men’s health magazine in the world. It’s owned by Hearst Publishing which is run by Steve Swartz

That recent issue reports: “What is Pegging? This Sex Act is on the Rise Among Straight Men. “If you like regular orgasms, you’re going to like these even better.””

Men’s Health then goes on to say that a certain sex act could give you the most intense orgasm of your life. They even have a wiggly thing on their webpage.

There’s really not much that can be added to describe the photo. A picture can really be worth a thousand words.

Whatever level of ‘Pegging” suits you, the Sanctuary has it beat hands down. More than 400,000 devotees visit its celebration in San Francisco’s pegging scene one week each year. Most of the action is concentrated on Folsom Street which is just a few hundred yards from Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco offices. They have to drive around the celebration to get to work.

Here’s a Google Images survey of many of San Francisco’s featured pegging activities all happening on public streets in broad daylight.

Movies come to life.

“When Harry Met Sally” is a cultural icon. It stars Billy Crystal, Lisa Jane Persky, Gretchen Palmer, Harley Kozak, Tracy Reiner, Estelle Reiner, and Stacey Katzin.

Katz’s deli in New York is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the film by recreating the movie’s most famous scene — where Sally orgasms while sitting at a table in the restaurant.

The Sanctuary’s San Francisco is love. One of the centers of this adoration is San Francisco’s City Hall. There, within its deep recesses, is the MINT café. Yes, San Francisco’s city hall has its own café: 401 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94102

There, each year, the Sanctuary will hold not a fake orgasm contest, but the real thing.

Exuberant sexuality is part of San Francisco. It’s already celebrated on the streets and sidewalks each and every day. Now, we can all share in this freedom and celebrate it officially in city hall with a pegging contest in their Mint café.


Commemorating “When Harry Met Sally” each and every year in San Francisco will put the kibosh on any New York effort for a pegging prize.
