Earth Days

October 2020

In the Sanctuary, we care about the environment as much as we care about each other. It is time to show the world the path to a better way.

Earth Days

We will do this by observing various Earth days throughout the year, each set to commemorate the passing of one of our martyrs, including Amadou Diallo, Patrick Dorismond, Ousmane Zongo, Breonna Taylor, Christopher Dorner, Timothy Stansbury, Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, Ramarley Graham, Tamon Robinson, Rekia Boyd, Kimani Gray, George Floyd, Javier Torres, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, JoAnn Chesimard (a.k.a. Assata Shakur), Mumia Abu-Jamal, Eric Garner, Walter Wallace Jr., and of course Sandra Bland. On these days, the Sanctuary Zone will be electricity-free, water-free, petroleum-free, or carbon-free for the entire day.

News broadcasts and student assignments will honor these heroes and help everyone as we attempt to emulate them. Pollution in our environment is more than chemical compounds and hazardous particulates — it is also racism. We must fight both.