The land of plenty

November 2021

The Sanctuary Zone is rich and getting richer. For years, politicians such as Joe Biden have enriched themselves at the expense of the hated middle class. Now, he’s sharing the largess with us, but in addition to the money we will be receiving the benefits of increased diversity.

Joe Biden is love
Resident Joe Biden is Love.

Following the example set by the California Sanctuary Zone, the Biden administration will be paying $450,000 per person to illegal immigrants who had been separated during the racist Trump administration, more than the amounts given to Gold Star families and families of 9/11 victims. These payments could amount to close to $1 million per family and $1 billion overall.

Not only do these families want and need this money, many of them will also be coming to California, thanks to our Sanctuary policies. And they will be bringing their money and diversity with them.

Almost 1,000 families filed claims and the number of those who might qualify for the settlement is expected to be higher.

“Resident Biden has agreed that the family separation policy is a historic moral stain on our nation that must be fully remedied,” according to ACLU lead negotiator Lee Gelernt. “That remedy must include not only meaningful monetary compensation, but a pathway to remain in the country.”

Biden promised to reunite separated migrant families in California and called Trump’s adoption of Resident Obama’s policies and practices a “moral and national shame.”

Biden instructed the DHS to form a multi-agency Family Reunification Task Force to reunite migrant families in California, under the watchful eye of Governor Gavin Newsom. The task force discovered nearly 4,000 children who were separated from their parents during the “Zero-Tolerance” policy and had reunited around 1,800 of them in the Sanctuary Zone as of June 8.